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Parents playing with their young son on a rug. There are coloured blocks, trucks, and wooden toys.

Children’s Disability Network Team

The Children’s Disability Network Team, also called CDNT 6, provides specialised support and services for children, young people and their families; from 0-18 years who have a complex disability and/or developmental delay

There are nine CDNT teams across Galway, Mayo and Roscommon. The Brothers of Charity West is the lead agency for CDNT 6 – Central Galway and East Galway City. CDNT 6 covers Headford, Claregalway, Ballybane, Renmore, Oranmore, Clarinbridge, and Gort.

The CDNT 6 offices and clinic spaces are located in The Gables, Woodlands Centre, Renmore; in 35 Lower Newcastle, and in Orchard Centre, Gort. Team members meet children, youths and their families in locations across the network including homes, schools and clinics.

The CDNT team supports a child’s development, well-being and participation in family and community life. It is the role of the CDNT to share knowledge, information and skills with families so that they can further support their child’s development. This will help children and young people to develop, learn, and participate in everyday activities.

The model of service is based on each child/young person having an agreed plan based on the child and family’s needs. This is called an Individual Family Support Plan.

Our team members include Community Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Preschool Liaison Teacher, Psychology, Social Work, Speech & Language Therapy, and Administration support.

A family sitting at the kitchen table colouring. The young girl is sitting on her mums lap.

More information for parents is available on the HSE website.

If you would like any further information regarding services provided by the CDNT Team, please contact:

Gillian Raftery, Community Disability Network Team (CDNT) Manager


Girl with backpack and pink beanie smiling.