About Us
What we do
The Brothers of Charity Services West Region provide a wide range of services to people with an intellectual disability and their families across Counties Galway and Roscommon. The services range from Multi-disciplinary Services to Children 0 – 18 and direct respite support for Families, along with a variety of programmes for Adults, devised according to the level of support that individuals require and priorities that they identify. Services include educational, day, residential, respite, and family support, along with a range of multidisciplinary support services and supports to individuals who live independently.
The West Region comprises services in Counties Galway and Roscommon following the 2018 integration of the former Galway and Roscommon Regions.
We aim to deliver a rights-based model of service to the people we support in line with the new Assisted Decision-Making Act. Our services are funded under a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the HSE.
Adults and Children in receipt of services
Staff members across the West Region
Locations across the West Region
Day Service Locations
HIQA Designated Centres
Our Vision
Brothers of Charity Services Ireland support people to be valued citizens in their local community, to have ordinary life experiences and to be closely connected to family and friends. Working together we seek to create supports and to shape communities where people we support are seen as equal citizens. We are committed to supporting people to make choices about their lives and to the provision of quality services that meet people’s needs.
We aim to support each individual to:
Live Independently
Live as independently as they wish
Make decisions
Make their own decisions about how they live their life and access advocacy supports when needed
Innovative Supports
Have innovative supports that meet their wishes
Uphold their rights as citizens
Be actively involved in their local community
Family and Friends
Have a network of family and friends in their life
Further Information
If you would like to learn more about the services and supports we offer, please contact us directly.