Quality, Enhancement and Development
Quality, Enhancement and Development Department
The Brothers of Charity Services Ireland Quality system is committed to enabling each person to define their personal definition of what a quality life means to them. Each person is supported to identify their own hopes, dreams and aspirations for a Good Life.
The Quality system operates in an integrated manner promoting Quality at three levels –for each person, for each local service, and for the entire organisation. This ensures that organisational systems translate from policy to practice, positively impacting people receiving services.
Our commitment is to providing person-centred support to all people supported.
The Quality, Enhancement and Development (QED) Department promotes quality in all aspects of the work of the BOCSI West Region and in line with the National Quality system.
The QED Department plays a pivotal role in the development and implementation of the Brothers of Charity Services Ireland – West Region Quality System and Planning, ensuring continuous quality improvement.
The quality system is committed to quality assurance by working to fully comply with statutory regulatory quality systems and standards working to fully comply with statutory inspections and statutory agencies.
The quality system is committed to continuous quality improvement informed through the accreditation process with the Council for Quality and Leadership, (CQL ) and working in line with international best practice.
The West Region achieved a Quality Assurance Basic Assurances Accreditation in 2023, the first as a West Region following many years of partnership between CQL and the former Galway and Roscommon regions.
In January 2024 the West Region launched a 3 year Quality Action Plan. CLICK HERE to view
Through partnership with CQL- the organisation is supported to promote & facilitate EXCELLENCE in person centred supports & services which has the impact of Increased Quality of Life. CQL supports the organisation to improve on a continuous basis. This creates a learning culture that is rights based, asking the question “how are we trying to do better everyday?”
Through this process it reinforces organisational systems to translate from policy to practice, positively impacting people receiving services.
QED enables and supports the development of continuous learning within the organisation that promotes best practice and empowers people supported and staff.
QED supports and facilitates three main areas of activity within the services:
- Implementation of quality systems
- Personal and professional development
- Organisational development
Implementation of Quality Systems
The implementation of quality systems including the Personal Outcomes Measures Accreditation System, the National Standards for Residential Services for Children and Adults with Disabilities Health Act 2007 (Care and Support of Residents in Designated Centres for Persons (Children and Adults) with Disabilities) Regulations 2013 and ‘New Directions’ 2012 Review of HSE Day Services and Implementation Plan 2012-2016.
Personal & Professional Development
The promotion of the personal and continuous professional development of staff in the services with particular reference to the vision of the organisation and to international best practice.
Organisational Development
A range of organisational development projects that reflect a human rights based approach to service delivery that promotes and supports the people we support to direct their own lives.
The Council for Quality and Leadership (CQL) and the Personal Outcomes Measures Quality System
The Brothers of Charity Services Ireland West Region are committed to supporting individuals to achieve their personal goals and dreams and to live a good quality of life of their choosing.
We have been working in partnership with The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL) since 2002. CQL is a non-profit organisation based in the United States that specialises in quality assessment and accreditation for organisations that support people with intellectual disability across the world. CQL defines and measures quality from the person’s perspective and wants to know how well the organisation understands each person supported and how the services and supports provided meet those individual needs. The CQL quality system is called Personal Outcomes Measures.

Personal Outcomes are what matters most to people in their lives. Personal Outcomes can include choosing where and with whom you live, staying closely connected to family and friends, being respected, having a job, good health, exercising rights, having a sense of security and belonging and being involved in your community.

Further Information
The QED Department incorporates the Volunteer and ‘That’s Life’ programmes – please click on the links for more information about these programmes.