Centre-Based Respite
Overview of Centre-Based Respite
Brothers of Charity provides planned short-term respite breaks to children from 6-18 years old, it has four community-based respite houses, three in Co. Galway and one in Co. Roscommon. The number of children accommodated at any one time will be determined through a matching process using the criteria of age, skills, interests, compatibility, gender, and required staff support. The staff team keep the groupings under constant review to ensure that children continue to enjoy and benefit from their respite break.
Crannog Respite, Galway
Crannmor Respite, Galway
Riverside Respite, Galway
Ivy House, Roscommon
All Respite Houses are registered and inspected by Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA). Centre-based respite is a prioritised and resource-dependent service.
Further Information
If you would like any further information regarding Children’s Services, please contact:
Jenny Joyce, Children’s Sector Manager
Email: Jenny.Joyce@bocsi.ie