West Region Advocacy
A message from Advocates
What is Advocacy?
“Nothing about us without us”, is the motto of the BOCSI National Advocacy Council.
Members of the BOCSI National Advocacy Council refer to Advocacy as:
Our Voice
Hearing the voice of the person and acting on their views and concerns.
Making Decisions
Making our own decisions and having control of our lives.
Our Rights
Learning and speaking up about our rights and responsibilities
Raising Awareness
Raising awareness on disability issues
Influencing others
Influencing Government, Services and the community
Rights of Others
Standing up for the rights of others
Working Together
Making our voice stronger by working together.
Learning New Skills
Learning new skills

National Advocacy Representative for Roscommon Advocacy Council
Hello everyone, my name is Nora Healy, and I am the elected National Advocacy Representative for Roscommon Advocacy Council and this is what I think advocacy is, it’s about getting things done! Standing up for you Rights! and supporting others to get their words out.
It is important as we are stronger in a group and help each other out!
National Advocacy Representative for Galway Advocacy Council
Hello, my name is Pat Flaherty, and I am the elected National Advocacy Representative for Galway Advocacy Council. This is what advocacy means to me. It is using your voice, words, pictures, your own communication tools and signs to express what you want, to speak up for you rights and the rights of others.
It is Important to be part of an advocacy group as if gives you the opportunity to change things in our community or Service for the better. Together we need to raise awareness of what barriers need to be removed to make people more independent.

Contact information

Galway Advocacy Council
Email: galwayadvocacy@bocsi.ie

Roscommon Advocacy Council
Email: AdvocacyChairRos@bocsi.ie